Flickerball is a lead up game to sports where a ball is incorporated such as
a baseball,
soccer, football, or basketball, etc. The object of the game is to move
the ball into an assigned area, which is worth one point. The game is
played until time expires. The length of each game is up to the
teacher's discretion. The student who holds the ball cannot move while
all other students can move. In order to move the ball the student has
to pass the ball in the direction of their scoring area. If the ball
is stolen or dropped on the ground it is the other team's ball from where
the ball was dropped or stolen. Any kind of ball or object can be used as
a passing object.
• 500
• Ball Walk
• Big Snake •
Clam Tag
• Clash of the Ghosts
• Flickerball
• Heart Attack Tag •
Home Run Derby Tag
• Mbube Mbube •
One-Legged Rabbit
• Shake-n-Bake Tag •
Speedball • Tawanan
• Toilet Tag
• Troll Tag
• Tunnel Tag
• Vaseball |