The teaching philosophy that I employ states that I want the students to be
healthy through daily and leisure activity. I have also pointed out
that I would like the students' self-efficacy to increase in regard to their
personal belief in their own abilities. This is also in accordance
with the Illinois State Standards for Physical Education. The daily
homework assignments do not take more time than what it takes to brush your
teeth; thus, it is essential that the students learn how test their own
wings while doing exercises by themselves, or preferably together with the
parents, or guardians. Research by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in
regards to children’s health in the US has presented evidence that 16% of
children in the ages of 6 - 19 are obese and this is a 5% increase from
1988 to 1994 (see Figure 1.). These
numbers could very well be much higher at the current time. Children with obesity or higher levels of fat tissue are at high
risks to remain with the same body type for the rest of their lives. Medical
professionals have viewed obese body types as high risk for numerous
cardiovascular and other diseases.
Investigations made by numerous health sources have displayed that
muscular tissues use higher levels of energy than adipose (fat) tissues, which
indicates that muscles are one of the necessities for a healthy lifestyle.
However, it has also been suggested that strength gains in pre-pubescent
students are usually the result of neurological development, which also
improves through practice. Based on this research, Daniel Boone School’s PE program will promote a
homework session for the students during the 2004-2005 school year. Follow
the links to the right for the homework assignments in regards to the
students' grade level. |
Kindergarten & 1st grade •
2nd grade •
3rd grade •
4th grade •
5th - 8th grade •
Human Heart (Grade 3 & 4) •
Fuel Up to Play 60 (Grade 4 -
8) |