The student will be able to (TSWBAT) move appropriately in the warm up in
order to have a proper warm up that raises the heart rate, prepares the body
for activity, and prevents injury. TSWBAT display an appropriate sit-up
and push ups, which was taught in the first lesson.
TSWBAT feel an increased level of physical well-being due to increased
level of physical activity.
TSWBAT improve body
coordination, muscle strength, muscular endurance, cardio vascular
endurance, and flexibility through the locomotor skills, which will help promote
physical activity throughout life.
TSWBAT move in general space while maintain space
between themselves and other students in the group by keeping their own
personal space free of other students.
TSWBAT apply several skills acquired throughout
the year including some new additional skills during the circuit
fitness fun.
TSWBAT enhance their five components of fitness
during the circuit fitness fun portion.
TSWBAT to learn how to apply several new
stretches while enhancing their flexibility. - Pillar - Down dog - Cross the arm -
Scorpion - Cobra - Sole - Glute - Pigeon - Straddle
- Down dog one leg calf
TSWBAT know, understand, and apply the concept of social responsibility by
grading themselves after the lesson. TSWBAT know, understand, and apply the concept of
student expectations throughout every situation in the gymnasium.
TSWBAT give examples of situations when the student expectations are applicable.
TSWBAT know, understand, and apply the concept of skipping, galloping,
and other locomotor skills.
TSWBAT recollect where their personal seat is, and how it aids the students
ability to follow the rules and to be team players.
TSWBAT explain that the locomotor skills are good for them as the movements
will help them get stronger, faster, and feel better. It enhances the
self-efficacy. TSWBAT reduce stress
with physical activity, since increased physical activity increases blood
circulation, which helps removal of glucocorticoids (a hormone that induce
stress.) TSWBAT enhance their own self-efficacy by trying and observe
their own improvements in the skills practiced. TSWBAT explain why locomotor skills are good for them, as the
movement skills will enhance their future success with fitness, academic
achievement, sport achievement, and pursuit of wellness.
TSWBAT learn and enhance their vocabulary through movement
words to increase their academic achievement in other subjects.
TSWBAT learn the five componets of fitness and its meaning. TSWBAT
to practice how to recognize when they apply the five componets of
fitness during exercise with the help of posters in the gymnasium.
TSWBAT learn the importance of personal effort during exercising the
fitness of five components fitness.
TSWBAT associate different activities with different components of the
five components of fitness.
TSWBAT associate different sports with different parts of the five
components of fitness.
TSWBAT discover new exercises in the circuit fitness fun and be able
to read and follow the instructions. TSWBAT to enhance their personal understanding how movement is generated,
as this is essential information in regards to continued life long movement.
TSWBAT enhance their nutritional education in order to promote healthy
growth and development. (See
Unit.) TSWBAT prevent child obesity through nutritional
education by learning how to make healthy nutritional decision for
self. (See
Unit.) |
TSWBAT feels that they belong in the class as much as everyone else by have
equal rules for everyone. TSWBAT feel that they are in control of their behavior by giving a grade of
themselves at the end of the class. (1, 2, or 3)
TSWBAT feel enjoyment by being more successful due to an increased level of
personal involvement through their grading.
TSWBAT feel enjoyment and success through increased participation in all
class activities.
TSWBAT feel enjoyment through increased level of success as well as
increased level of personal involvement in their homework, which enhances
their overall health.
TSWBAT feel an increased level of well-being due to increased level of
physical activity.
TSWBAT promote teamwork and success among his or hers classmate through
positive feedback and positive interaction that does not display any
negative (i.e., hurtful) behavior. TSWBAT enhance the team spirit through
by positively encourage their peers with positive comments and praise,
as they exercise in the class.
TSWBAT provide positive feedback to the peers while experience fatigue
from exercising the five components of fitness that will enhance the experience for all
TSWBAT applying cooperative skills during the different activities in
the circuit fitness fun, as some requires partners. TSWBAT
display teamwork by during the circuit fitness fun and follow the
instructions for each activity while providing their best
personal effort to promote an atompshere of trust.
V. Circuit Fitness Fun (20 min) Station 1 - Sit Up Over Head Pass
Station 2 - Push Ups and Plank Hockey Station 3 - Bowling Run
Station 4 - Handball (against wall) Station 5 - Quick Feet Drill
Station 6 - Curl Ups Station 7 - Squat Set Station 8 - Cone
Driibble Station 9 - Jump Ropes Station 10 - Sit & Reach Box
Station 11 - Medicine Ball Twists Station 12 - Hula Hoops
Station 13 - Wall Sit Station 14 - Free Throws Station 15 - Tree
Pose Station 16 - Dot Drill Station 17 - Hallow & Arch Station 18
- Hug Wall
60 seconds per station. 1 Basketball 1 Tennis ball 3 Bowling
pins and bowling ball 1 Tennis ball
1 Mat and paper slip (3
and 4.5inch) 3 Volleyball 3 Soccerball and 10 cones 3 Jump
ropes 1 Sit Reach Box (home made) 1 Medicine ball 3 Hula hops
3 Basketballs 30 seconds on each leg Five dots on floor
30 seconds each w/ one timer. 30 seconds on each side |
Two or three students per station. - AC, ME, MS, and BC - AC,
ME, MS, and BC - AC, ME, MS, and BC - AC, ME, and BC - AC,
ME, MS, and BC - AC, ME, MS, and BC - AC, ME, MS, and BC -
AC, ME, and BC - AC, ME, and BC - F - AC, ME, MS, and BC -
AC, ME, and BC - ME, MS, and BC - ME, MS, and BC - ME and BC
- AC, ME, MS, and BC - ME, MS, and BC - F
Work hard!
Smile! |