The Student Will Be Able To (TSWBAT) find a personal space in the general
space where personal space in not intruded by another student. TSWBAT
display following:
1. Be quiet - finger over mouth
2. Listen - finger pointing at ear
3. Think - finger pointing at forehead
TSWBAT participate in the thinking game while doing what the teacher
TSWBAT sit still while listening, which is instructed as it is essential
for smooth lecturing in the future. The student will also be able to focus
TSWBAT explain what be quiet, listen and think means in their own way.
TSWBAT know, explain, and apply the rules that are given in the class.
TSWBAT learn the dangers and safety of the gymnasium.
TSWBAT recollect where their personal seat is, and how it aids the
students ability to follow the rules and to be team players.
TSWBAT feels that they belong in the class as much as everyone else by have
equal rules for everyone. TSWBAT feel enjoyment by being more successful
due to an increased level of personal involvement through their grading.
TSWBAT feel enjoyment and success through increased participation in all
class activities.
TSWBAT promote teamwork and success among his or hers classmate through
positive feedback and positive interaction that does not display any
negative (i.e., hurtful) behavior.